Event-based object tracking

Translation and scale invariance in real-time with receptive fields

Jens Pedersen & Raghav Singhal & Jörg Conradt

jeped@kth.se jegp@mastodon.social jepedersen.dk

Thank you - Juan P. Romero B., Emil Jansson, Harini Sudha

Scale-space theory

Lindeberg, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision (2022)

A model $g$ is invariante to transformation $f$: $$ f(g(x)) = g(x) $$

Invariance properties of convolutions

Scale invariance with receptive fields

Capturing structure:
How does this work in 2 dimensions?

Lindeberg, Heliyon 7 (2021)

Lindeberg, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision (2022)

Gaussian receptive field provides

  1. Linearity between n-th gaussian derivatives
  2. Translation invariance
  3. Scale invariance

$\implies$Capture spatial features

But what about time?

  1. Spatial and temporal invariances in sparse signals
  2. Stepwise real-time predictions

Signal processing with convolutions

Temporal heatmaps

  1. Read out coordinates at every frame
  2. Differentiable

Experimental setup & results

1ms frames with coordinate labels

240'000 datapoints - Bernouilli $p=0.8$

Model with 4 scale spaces

Runs at 1000Hz on GPUs

Event-based object tracking


  • Only simulated data
  • Only on GPUs
  • Only for translation and scale

Event-based object tracking


  • SNN rivals ANN despite high density
  • Differentiable coordinate transformation
  • Real-time vision processing with events

Event-based object tracking

Translation and scale invariance in real-time with receptive fields

Jens Pedersen & Raghav Singhal & Jörg Conradt

jeped@kth.se jegp@mastodon.social jepedersen.dk

Thank you - Juan P. Romero B., Emil Jansson, Harini Sudha